Thursday, February 7, 2013

Thinner Thursday-Feb 7th

So I didn't weigh myself this morning. Partly because I don't want to know my weight, and partly because I have made the decision that I was going to take a 3 week break from weighing myself. These past two weeks have been difficult. I've been sick with the flu, and then a cold, during this time and have not been able to exercise as intensely as I would like. Also, since I have been sick, overtired, stressed etc, I haven't been eating well.

So starting today, I'm going back to writing down what I eat. I eat less, and eat better, when I am writing down what I am eating. Seeing it on paper makes me realize how much snacking I do during the day, which of course contributes to not shedding the weight as quickly as I would like.

I am enjoying my new workouts, though, and I am seeing increases in my strength. I'm doing a program from, and here is the breakdown.

Monday-Upper Body A
Tuesday-Lower Body A
Wednesday- OFF
Thursday-Upper Body B
Friday-Lower Body B

With these workouts, is also a cardio component, but I have not started it yet. It involves a 10-15min HIIT followed by 15-30 min low intensity cardio sessions in the mornings of each day that I do weights.

There is also a nutritional plan for the program, which I may start trying to follow. I need to plan and organize my days better so that I am not crashing with low energy resulting in me eating food to get quick energy. I need the proper food and the proper timing of eating to make sure that I stay energized all day long.

If I get brave enough, I think that tomorrow I'll take some pictures and start a weekly picture progress series to see if there are any changes, especially since I am holding off on weighing myself.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Thinner Thursday...a day late

I didn't get to write yesterday, but better late then never. I have decided that I am going to take a break from the scale. I'm not going to weigh myself for three weeks. The scale said I gained two pounds this week, but I don't feel that is a true representation of what has happened this week. I've leaned out, and am starting to get the shape that I want. So, instead of getting discouraged, I'm going to focus on what I should be doing-eating better and working out. I'm going to start taking pictures, taking my measurements, and rating my progress on how my clothes feel and look.

I've started a new workout this week, and so far I really like it. I've been sore from a few of the workouts, so that always makes me feel good. I'll explain the program next week.